They went to Southhampton, England, where he met Trixie, the“soldier that wagged her tail.” Sgt. Morris oversaw 16 drivers and trucks loaded into LSTs.

• “I was in the English Channel, in this big steel box floating into war…the noise was deafening. Bullets  were bouncing off the sides of this thing…It’s high tide and the water is rough…I heard screams then, too. Screams I never want to hear again.”

Omaha Beach
34,000 U.S. troops, 2400 casualties

• I waited for the signal…in seconds the gang plank door slammed down into the water and the Channel rushed in. It was red. It was red with blood. Oh my God. What I saw is not something any human should ever see. The bloody water, the soldier’s bodies, the parts of their bodies, men were blown right apart in front of us. Oh my God. My God. But I had to focus. My foot found the accelerator. Water was up to my chest…. Oh my God, the bodies, black and white: there is no segregation here. Every color was on that beach; every color was fighting for our country.”—William Morris Jr.